Tree Hazard Assessment

Tree Surveys offer completely impartial risk management advice 

Tree inspections collect a range of objective and subjective information about individual trees in a systematic approach, where defects are suspected they are confirmed by a thorough examination, Tree Surveys are not arboricultural contractors and offer completely impartial risk management advice and tree hazard assessments. Therefore only essential work is recommended and carried out as a result.

Limiting liability…

To limit liability, Tree Surveys can:

  • Draw up a Tree Safety Policy.
  • Carry out Tree Hazard Assessment surveys.
  • Recommend remedial works.
  • Prepare budget forecasts.
  • Prioritise work.
  • Carry out internal decay detection, climbing inspections and chlorophyll fluorescence testing on suspect trees.

A typical Tree Safety Policy will define management objectives which, depending on the nature of the site, will provide a reasonable balance between safety and conservation, risk and public access. For example it will then identify high risk areas according to frequency of use and specify different inspection levels for different areas.

A typical Tree Hazard Assessment will be carried out from the ground using a Visual Tree Assessment method and will record:

  • Location.
  • Tree Number.
  • Tree species, size and age class.
  • Physiological and structural condition.
  • Preliminary recommendations – which may focus on moving the target, rather than remedial tree work, climbing inspection or internal decay detection, and chlorophyll fluorescence testing and will prioritise action recommended.
  • Date of next routine inspection.

Recommendations for remedial work will take into account:

  • The target – i.e. property, people and frequency of use.
  • The magnitude of hazard – i.e. the size of tree, or limb.
  • The probability of failure occurring before the next inspection.
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