Tree surveys

Collecting a range of objective information 

The most common need for tree surveys arise from developers and land owners. Trees may often constrain a proposed development area or occupy space adjacent to third party properties or the highway.

A Tree Survey will collect a range of objective information on a number of trees the focus may be site constraints for development, site enhancement or straight forward safety in relation to The Occupiers Liability Act 1957 & 1984. This need not include a full tree survey, but will include the legal status of trees and any disease or decay affecting prominent trees on site.

For development sites where required, Ecological and Bat Surveys may be included to provide early warning of flora or fauna which may need particular consideration when deciding site layout and management.

For development sites a full tree survey should be carried out prior to the first site layout preparation and will include:

  • Tree dimensions: height, stem diameter, (number of stems), crown spread and crown height.
  • Tree condition, both physiological and structural.
  • Age Class.
  • Preliminary recommendations.
  • Root Protection Area (RPA).
  • Retention classification as per BS 5837.
  • Category grading as per BS 5837.

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